Over 33% of campaign funds in the last election came from out-of-town donors and PACs!

✅ Vote YES on Proposal D!

Money in politics: A national problem that requires local solutions.

Our mission is to counter the influence of big and out of town money on Ann Arbor politics by instituting a small donor matching fund.

Voters will decide whether to institute a small donor matching fund via a November 2024 ballot proposal.

For information on the nonpartisan elections ballot proposal, click here.

Support the Grassroots Effort:

This is a movement of Ann Arborites who care about strong democratic participation, good governance, and Ann Arbor’s future. More than 150 volunteer canvassers and active supporters gathered more than 5,800 qualified signatures for each proposal - and we need your support.

Donate Now

Democracy at Risk: Big Money

Money in politics is a national problem increasingly felt in local Ann Arbor elections. Feeble state caps on donations and a deluge of PAC money are threatening the essence of our democracy. The time has come to shift power back where it belongs: the voters, not deep-pocketed donors.

When Money Talks, Choices Walk

The skyrocketing sums needed to compete in local elections are silencing candidates without access to deep pockets of cash and influence. Without a war chest, candidates struggle to compete against slick ads, armies of consultants, and paid canvassers. Fewer candidates means fewer choices. Local elections shouldn’t be a financial arms race.

Whose Voices Matter?

It’s clear: Money talks. Whose voices are heeded by politicians with big donors, and whose voices go unheard? Public campaign financing ensures every voice can rise above the influence and interests of big money. It allows elected officials to focus their attention and time on contituents. It amplifies the voices of the most disadvantaged and helps ensure everyone is heard.

Breaking the Chains of Dependence

When officials owe their office to big donors, they tend to serve big donors. We can change this. By offering a small donor match, we can weaken the grip of big money interests, weaken dollar-fueled political muscle, and restore the independence of our elected officials.

Political Races, Not Money Races

Money has found its way into local politics. Once a national and state problem, big donors, PACs, and even non-residents are increasingly fueling our political races. It distracts candidates from focusing on everyday people and concerns. Potential candidates for office who don’t have access to big contributors are discouraged from even lining up at the starting line. It’s time for a fair start for all.

Investment in Democracy is Worth It

Small donor matching funds open doors for persons to consider running for office, keeping PACs and big money in check. They empower diverse candidates to bring their ideas, experience, and energy to public service. A2 already invests in progressive causes like sustainability and affordable housing. This modest investment in democracy will honor our values and put Ann Arbor in the vanguard of election reform.

Grassroots Efforts for Fair Elections:
John Godfrey on the Lucy Ann Lance Show

In an interview with radio host Lucy Ann Lance, John Godfrey discusses the initiative to bring nonpartisan elections and public campaign financing to the city. Hear how the grassroots movement aims to increase voter participation, reduce the influence of money in politics, and focus on local issues. Our goal is to create a more inclusive and transparent democratic process.

Listen below to learn more about the efforts and how you can get involved:

Copyright © 2019 Lance & Erskine Communications

Working together to get this question on the ballot, voters now get to decide.

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Proudly endorsed by those who support campaign finance reform and community engagement: